How Can I Learn What My Child Should Be Learning?

Our children are all geniuses, right? Of course they are! But is it o.k. when your two year old falls out in the middle of the floor while grocery shopping? Maybe not for you but according to the CDC’s Act Early site most two year-olds show defiant behavior. In other words, they do what they’ve been told NOT to do but it’s O.K. because it’s what they should do at that age. Get It? Things that children typically do at a given age in life are called developmental milestones.

Most children do about the same things as they mature so as parents you can find tons of clues about your child’s development along the way. DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES provide an idea about what you should expect in your child’s cognitive, social-emotional, speech/language, fine motor and gross motor development. Don’t worry if your child is slightly off schedule because children are not exactly the same. However, don’t take anything for granted As a parent, YOU are your child’s first teacher and if you have a concern, talk to your pediatrician during well-baby visits and annual physicals. If your child is in school, it’s a good idea to share things you notice with the classroom teacher too. Here are a few more examples of some 2 yr old milestones from

  • Point to some pictures in books

  • Point to many body parts and common objects

  • Follow 1-step commands without a gesture like “ Put your cup on the table”

These developmental milestones are tracked by your child’s preschool teacher so make sure you’re in touch about her on-going process. Home, School and Community together make up your child’s environment so it’s important everyone is involved and in harmony. When everyone works together, children win.

Support for South Side Music Programming

Please join us for our 1st Annual Holiday Gathering and Fundraiser as we will celebrate our founder’s love of music. It’s called Love Notes and its our interpretation of the benefit music education has on the lives of children. Stress relief as well as building self esteem and problem-problem skills are just a few ways music impacts learning and development. Mingle with music enthusiasts at the cocktail reception and enjoy an evening of live performances by local talent. Proceeds from this event will help fund music programming at schools across nine south side areas. Tickets are available at


Friend of Minds Launch

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We’ve launched just in time with news about how to begin building capacity for your school and support your local community all while preparing for the 2019 - 2020 school year. Give Back To Schools is a funding program driven by school supplies purchased at your local Office Max. 5% of qualifying purchases made this quarter (July - September) will be returned to your school to purchase supplies. Simply provide your school name or code to the cashier at checkout or grab your receipt and go on-line to Click Find My School ID and input city and state details. Using details from your receipt, apply your purchase to the school. Spread the word to school parents and your family by asking them to support your school when shopping at Office Depot between now and September 30, 2019.